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/ Apple Reference & Presen…tion Library 2 (Reseller) / Apple R&P Lib Reseller v2.0.iso / 1-Reference / Apple Literature Guide / TIFFS / A7F0067 [1] (.png) < prev    next >
Tagged Image File Format  |  1989-04-24  |  192KB  |  2544x3300
Labels: bird | bulletin board | crt screen | monitor | person | reckoner | sidewalk | sky | window
OCR: AppleShare File Server in K 12 Education File Edit Server Server Name: Volumes: Schtol Lgb writing Math Users: Dave Roth Johnny Janes Suzi Kelleu Don Fields AppieShare" Fri Noy 1987 440 15.8M Activity busu .**.,:: **: ..... Overview The AppleSharee File Server giving every user access File Server will greatly increase lets usern an an AppleTalk" net- the same docunents and applica the prodluctivity of any lab. class- work share information quickly tion programs, AppleShare File room, library or r acministration and easily. Appleshare trns a Server simplifies and speeds up office with Macintosh, Applee IIc dedicated Macintosh' Pluis, school work -whether it involves Apple IIGS or MS-DOS cotmputers. Macintosh SF or Macintosh II creating class lists updating stu- computer with one or more den ...